Saturday, October 21, 2017

Dear reader

I really appreciate that despite this blog being less active recently, it still has thousands of readers. That’s great. As some know, I’ve had health issues, like a heart attack last year, and I’m not fully recovered yet, but I’ve made progress and I will strive to post more here. Thanks guys.


  1. Eolake,

    You MUST(!) take care of yourself above all. Find someone to HELP YOU WITH YOUR WEBSITE. That person could read your followers comments to you and post your replies for you. If that is still distressful you must BACK OFF. Simply post a note on your site explaining that you are taking a health break. Post once a week for a while. If you feel like you are still under too much stress back off! Trust me, your followers will continue to visit as or when you regain your health.


  2. Thank you, Rink, that is very kind of you.

    I do do my best to take care of myself too.

  3. Thankyou for what you have provided us, your health is far more important than any 'disappointment' we may suffer from you 'neglecting' your website!

    Please take care of yourself first...


  4. All the best on returning back to health. No rush getting back to the website... we understand and will patiently await your return to business as usual.
