Friday, May 19, 2017

Pocket raincoat

I have found a brilliant product in (of all places) my fave book store: the EMERGENCY RAIN PONCHO. I like to walk about town carrying nothing outside my pockets, and it has often been ruined by the simple prospect of rain, prompting me to bring at least a bag-umbrella, and thus a bag. But this little package weighs nothing and fits in a small pocket, so my carefree and footloose walk style is undisturbed. I love it.


  1. When leading bush walks, or rambles as tehy are known in teh UK, I take one in case somebody has left their rain jacket at home.

  2. What can I say? You know that's gonna make go a big rubbery one.

  3. Would also be most suitable for our Extra Vehicular Excursions.

    Thank you for the hint, Eolake.

  4. Mon Plasier, Monsieur.

    Yes, , I'm sure you would.

    Dealing with wet dogs is a separate problem. :-)
