Saturday, November 26, 2016

Start-of-winter-message from Eolake

Here in Northern Europe it is today the coldest day of the winter so far. The first day with frost on the ground in the day time. So what more fitting day for a warmth message...

I would like to thank *you*, my dear friend, for all the nice contacts and communications you give. Even the smallest one counts. We are all part of each other's connection to divinity.

I wish you a lovely December and holiday season, with nice surprises, pleasant personal growth, and good communications.

By Elena Lukina


  1. And to you as well. Unseasonably warm autumn here in the mid-US, so far. We'll see if winter does actually bring us any nice surprises.

  2. Season's Greetings to you Eolake! All the best in 2017!

  3. That looks like a shitty Bob Ross painting.
