Tuesday, September 13, 2016

iPhone Seven review by Pogue

This year it's hard for many to decide whether to upgrade their iPhone or not. But I think this review by David Pogue outlines it well. David has a way of cutting things down to brass tacks.


  1. Yes, a good review. I might go for an iPhone 7 Plus, for the camera, if money were no object.

    Warning: if you click David Pogue's name, at top left of the review, you will be taken to his tumblr page. Which would be fine, except that it immediately starts a distracting babble of video ads. I tried to track them all down and close them, but gave up and turned my speakers off.

  2. The problem of listening to music is solved by an iPod nano. I like having a dedicated music device--or in my case, mostly for audiobooks and podcasts.

  3. What problems did that solve, prior to iPhone Seven?

  4. What problems didn't it solve?!
