Monday, July 18, 2016

Fork, a new macro pic

(Click for big pic)

Russ thought it might work as B/W too, so let's see: 

Also I wondered a bit late if a bit more contrast might be good:
Less subtle, but more punch.


  1. Eo, did you colorize the picture? I once took a pic of a faucet with running water and it took on this same yellowish tone.

  2. Actually I even toned down the golden tone! It came from the evening light shining on my yellow curtains.

    I could have "color-corrected" it to steel grey, but I thought "why"?

  3. I think it might make a really compelling B&W as well !

  4. Yes, I like it. Especially when you view the enlarged version. IMO, the gold is a distraction and leaves unanswered questions. Did the artist Photoshop it to be gold? Is the gold fork a play on the "silver spoon" expression of wealth?

    The silver version is a more straight forward image and therefore more to my liking. Lovely water spots and viewing the enlarged image you can see interesting textures on the fork itself. My only negative feedback is that the top portion of the tines are out of focus.
