Thursday, May 12, 2016

Magnets and Marbles in Motion shared this great and funny video of a kind of Rube Goldberg machine.

A Rube Goldberg machine is a long mechanical process with no great purpose except fun. In Danish this is called a "Storm P. Maskine", after the comic Storm P. who did the same thing in Denmark. The two men were actually born almost at the same time, 1882/1883, so I'm not sure who invented it.

Rube Goldberg

Storm P.


  1. I love Rube Goldberg machines. Actually I think he just might make a good President in this Good Old U.S. of A..

  2. They've had worse. Oh wait, he's dead. Well, they've still had worse. :-)

    (Sorry folks. Obviously I am talking about a (name of the opposite party of yours) president!

  3. This was so cool!! Can't imagine how much time it must have taken to set all those pieces up, "just so!" Amazing!!

  4. I agree, the exceptional precision of this one is part of what makes it a very unusual Rube machine.
