Friday, February 20, 2015

Atlas of Beauty

Atlas of Beauty is a photo project just after my heart.
Project's home page.
Romanian photographer Noroc Mihaela is on a mission to photograph women from every single country on Earth in order to show that beauty is found everywhere.

Mihaela is doing this entirely self-funded, so I hope you will join me in donating what you can afford to her project.


  1. Great idea, but photographer will have to consider the indigenous population of each country where it has been inhabited by various cultures over the years, e.g. USA, Australia, etc

  2. Wow, something iconic about
    her subjects ..... goddesses indeed . . . . and the settings
    more gritty and real, esp. the second photo. Beautiful.

    from one goddess to another,
    hear hear!


  3. His mission, should he choose to accept it, is to tell us what we already know.

  4. Good job. I am specially proud of the Mexican beauty tht appears in this series. Greetings from sunny Mexico.

  5. That last one with the cornrows isn't a beauty by any stretch of the imagination. What a beast!

  6. Hey, Anonymous of 24 Feb 2015, 00:33:00, that's your opinion. I wouldn't mind cuddling up with her, not at all!

  7. The link to support her project is mistyped. It should be
