Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Winners of Person with a Bag photo contest

Winners of Person with a Bag photo contest
The prizes are on the way to the winners.

First prize, a Muzetto bag from Waterfield:

By TC[Girl]

Shared 2nd prize: Roger B

Shared second price: Russ

Runner-up: Merle

Runner-up: Pavel

Runner-up: Alan-D


  1. Thank you, Eolake. Well done, TC(Girl); a worthy winner.

    My photo is from one of the Buddhist Milton Keynes Peace Pagoda ceremonies. They are carrying drum bags for their tennis racquet shaped drums.

    I decided that if I won, I would spend the money on equipment, so I shall put my winnings towards a Katzeye focusing screen.

    This is the third good thing to happen today, and it isn't even midday!

  2. Thanks, Roger. And congratulations on a good day. Have fun with your new focusing screen.

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  4. Thanks Eolake! Congrats to TC [Girl] and Roger B!

    Since I have a bad case of GAS (Gear Acquire Syndrome) I shall have no problems spending my winnings towards another lens or filter or flash or ......

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  6. TC[Girl] - Yes, the image was shot in P-Town (my home town) at Blue Sky Gallery.

    BTW, I'm having a show of Oregon Coast landscapes at Tiny's Coffee on MLK starting 8/1. Feel free to pop in for a Stumptown and check'em out! :D

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  8. My art will be up for the entire month of August. If you would like to meet the artist in person, the opening reception is 8/1 from 6-8pm.

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  10. I'd love to be there, but sadly health issues do not allow me to travel presently.

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  12. Thanks, TC [Girl]. You, too!

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  14. Those all blow. They're just like ordinary snapshots, not very pro.
