Monday, June 17, 2013

Bring ghosts with you on photo walks

[Thanks to Angelo]

This is a really awesome idea!
I didn't know you could get enough bandwidth yet over 3G to get a good Google+ video chat connection, but it seems like it works.
(Tell me if I've overlooked anything. One of them is on the Savannah, it has to be a 3G connection, not 4G or wifi.)

(Where did the usual YouTube logo go, which you could click on to go and get a bigger picture? Anyway, this vid is here in more sizes.)

I wonder what equipment and apps he uses.


  1. Wow! What a great use of technology. At last something that combines photography, wireless communication and - best of all - people to do a worthwhile thing.

  2. I'd say that the live video feed is simply downgraded to accommodate the available bandwidth. I doubt that the latest and greatest mobile phone tech is available in the African savannah... and yet it seems to work there too.
