Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Alison Brie a la carte

I guess this is funnier if you have seen Community and know how wonderfully innocent and naîve Alison Brie's character Annie is.

... Unfortunately I couldn't find the whole clip of the xmas-costume dance from which there's a couple of seconds at the end here, for it's one of the sexiest things I've seen, prob the hottest xmas song since Eartha Kitt.

I don't know where this is from, but she's very funny like usual:

She really is beautiful. Watch Craig Furguson here, he's so overwhelmed he has to scoot away from her!

Quote from the show:
"There will always be a reason not to follow your dreams."
That's great. And it's useful for going either way!


  1. The "Awkward Pause" was funny! :-) And...I guess the middle one was supposed to mimic an episode of 'The X Factor' w/Simon Cowell & Co.! :-)

  2. Yes, they both did surprisingly well with the Awkward Pause. That can't be the easiest thing to do.

  3. No. I thought it was just something that came about but...the more you watch, it seems that it was planned but, nevertheless, quite funny...especially w/how much they were "loving each other up!" ;-) It was cute! :-) (but I like that Ferguson NUT, anyway! At first, he annoyed me but...he's quite witty and spunky! He kind of grew on me! :-)

  4. Nah, everybody in entertainment is trained to avoid awkward pauses like fire, you never see one longer than a second or so.
    I liked that theirs was very underplayed.

  5. Nah, everybody in entertainment is trained to avoid awkward pauses like fire, you never see one longer than a second or so.

    Gotta say, I've never quite thought of that, before. Makes sense, though... :-)

    I liked that theirs was very underplayed.

    Yeah; me, too. :-)
