Monday, April 29, 2013

The good side to getting old

A friend of mine, now in his seventies, presented me with an unusual thing. He told me something he liked about getting old! He said:

What I'm talking about is that "special" kind of treatment that is usually only given to the elderly (similar to that we give to babies, and to those that may otherwise look fragile, and harmless).
It's a whole new (and wonderful!) experience!  And it feels really great!  I am more constantly offered help these days, for example, like when I'm pushing a cartful of groceries back home.  Many people now call me "sir", the difference is that this time they truly mean it, and one can easily sense it's real.

Do you have experience (first- or second-hand) with this, and what do you think?
I suspect some people, the Fiercely Independent type, may resent being perceived as 'fragile'. But I also think that there's some genuine warmth which is there but which people only dare allow show to people who don't seem like a potential threat.


  1. I am only just into my 60's but find it sometimes is an advantage... for example when I forget something I will say, "well, when you are old like me you will forget too".

    Also, now I seem to automatically get a discount at the movies and some fast food places... without even asking.

  2. Your friend is wrong. They're being patronizing. "Sir" and "dear" for women are their favorites.

  3. Also, now I seem to automatically get a discount at the movies and some fast food places... without even asking.

    I would hate that. It was a sad day when I stopped getting carded at bars and the liquor store. It would be a still sadder day to start getting senior's discounts without having to prove it.

  4. It's not worth the downside of getting old - not by a long shot.
