Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Great Porn Experiment

[Thanks to TTL]

I am looking forward to more data on this. I'm sure there's a lot of truth to it, but the way this sounds, there should basically not be *any* young men today who can get it up, can satisfy a woman, and are not depressed and dysfunctional, just from broadband porn addiction. At some point there he makes it sound like quitting Net porn will cure the world of depression, failure, and erectile disfunction, like some people sound like drinking more water will make a new world of shining health.


  1. Well, about drinking water: Drinking a lot of water per day, say 4-5 liters, will prevent you from getting kidney stones, but it will also generate copious amounts of urine. Fortunately, you can use this urine to light up a light bulb for 24 hours. (see other blog article.) If you place mirrors behind the light bulb, you can direct the light from the backside of the bulb toward you, giving more light. Won't even need a Kindle. Is this innovation patentable?

  2. My comment was about addiction in general, and only using porn as an example. It's a good example because it doesn't involve substances, which people often assume are automatically linked to dopamine desentization. Too bad my post got stuck in Blogspot's spam filters.

    ... the way this sounds, there should basically not be *any* young men today who can get it up, ...

    He said that “Symptoms of 'arousal addiction' mimic ADHD, social anxiety, depression, concentration problems, performance anxiety, OCD,” and that healthcare providers often assume these are primary, i.e. the cause of addiction, and never the result of an addiction. Which is why the connection has not been made before. It was only when they started to get an increasing number of reports of ED (which is an advanced case of the condition) in young, physically healthy men that they started to see the cause.

    Nofappers nearly unanimously report being cured from all the above conditions soon after quitting.

  3. I hear you.
    Sorry, I had not noticed the comment had not appeared, I have resurrected it now.


    Dave, sounds like you should be an innovator-millionaire.

  4. Or it sounds like the arguments they made to get Prohibition in the U.S. - like giving up drinking alcohol would cure society's every ill.

  5. It is very difficult to separate cause and effect. Someone who spends several hours per day watching porn, probably started with lots of problems, but also would be likely to end up with a few more. Especially considering how artificial most of the porn is.

  6. Yeah, and same-y! These days they'd have to pay me good money to use any significant time on porn sites. *So* boring.

  7. The presenter here ought get some public speaking tuition. His irritating and continous tendency to squawk, somewhat like a chicken,provoked me to fast forward and get out.
    Thyanks for as great Blog,Eolake.
