Sunday, March 03, 2013

Hotel Transylvania Monster Party

Watch out for the baby werewolf (about 1:10) who kicks her wild brothers off the dancing platform so she can enjoy the music and her subtle dancing alone. I love her dancing, they might have put in a few more seconds of that.

I gotta tell you people, Hotel Transylvania (UK link) rocks.
I saw the lame-ish cover and the smooth, cartoonish characters, and I didn't expect too much, but it's totally over the hill-arious. It's funny, has great characters, and wonderful sceneries.
Even the end titles are special, they commissioned scenery paintings from some excellent painter. Dark and subtle stuff. I wish they'd had that long sequence in the Extras, without the text.

1 comment:

  1. Looks pretty cute! I like "Dad, I'm not 83, anymore..." lol! :-D
