Friday, February 22, 2013

The Truth About Size Zero

Beautiful and curvy Louise Redknapp, to prove a point (that extreme dieting is bad for you), crash-diets over four weeks down to a size zero. The point is proven, she very much took her life and health into her own hands. Scary shit. Both her physical and her mental health was seriously affected, and she clearly felt the lure of anorexia grabbing at her.
Watch the show, if you have the stomach for it, here. (Embedding was not allowed.)

Louise Redknapp, singer

Before and after crash-diet

... You think, how can the fashion designers and companies live with themselves, continuing to make clothes only walking skeletons can fit into?
I think we underestimate how subjective reality is, not just for mentally skewed people, but for normal people, for all of us. They simply live in a world where the normal and healthy body shape is fat. It's what they see, it's how it is.


  1. She looked beautiful on the before pic. A tad too skinny, but otherwise perfect!

  2. Exactly.

    It really is pretty frightening. *All* her friends and family, and her doctor, almost begged her not to do it, and then not to go on.

  3. Western medicine calls it the body dysmorphic disorder.

  4. How can there be a size 0 anyway? 1 Should obviously be the lowest.

  5. Guys are really into bones. Not.

  6. Spanking of the century deserved here.

  7. If you mean for Louise, well. Yes, it was stupid and dangerous. But she did end up with what she wanted, a persuasive documentary showing how disastrous such a diet and such thinness is. Which may help people.

  8. That probably wasn't why she did it though. Same as with that guy who ate nothing but McDonald's - just a stunt.
