Monday, March 26, 2012

Summer weather today (updated)

I've been a bit disdainful of the claim that LCD screens are no good in bright weather. Well, it turns out that's because we so rarely get really bright weather here in Northern UK! But today it was, astonishingly bright, and contrasty. And I really couldn't see anything on the screen in some places. So I was glad that the Fuji X10 also has an optical viewfinder.
I had to stand in the middle of the street to get this. What's life and limb compared to the chance of aaaarht.

(Click for big pic on both)

I think they each have separate merits. The color version has the rich interplay of hues in the red/umbra area. But the B/W one has the focus on the strong graphical show of the lines and composition of the dark shapes.

Fuji X10. Set on EXR (pixel-combining) for dynamic range, but honestly I think the effect it subtle. I wish it had in-camera HDR like the Pentaxes and the iPhone. The EXR is better in low light, I think. 


  1. Thanks for risking your life to get this pic! lol! What's the bottom "color" if the middle is B/W 'cuz...the middle one looks like Sepia, now. :-/

  2. I think it is Color, Sepia, and Blue-toned.

    (I may like the Sepia best.)
