Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tips from Amazon reviews

One of the brilliant things about Amazon is the customer reviews. For example, twice today I've been pointed towards (Germany) as a better alternative. Firstly I was looking into the new Samsung Galaxy Note big-screen phone, and it's not exactly a cheap thing. But then a few reviews down I saw a note which said that it was cheaper from No kidding, like 120 Sterling less, not far from $200 cheaper!
Secondly, Kungfu Panda 2 is out in UK, but only on DVD, for lord knows what reason. A reviewer pointed out you can already get it from Germany on blu-ray. Boom, it's ordered.
And another great thing is that you don't have to create a new account for an Amazon store in a different country, you just log in, and you can buy with one-click and all. Kewl. I once bought People Like Us Series 2 from Amazon Australia, it was only released there. (Which I found out about from Wikipedia, another stellar modern blessing.)


  1. However your Amazon Prime only works in the country you bought it in. I tried to use it on to ship to the UK and it didn't let me.

  2. Yeh, those country divisions seem almost worse than in the old days before the Internet.
    We don't yet here have the videos, comics, free books and such that US Prime members have, and I'm not holding my breath anticipating them.

  3. I found out about from Wikipedia, another stellar modern blessing.)

    Wikipedia is excellent for that kind of stuff. I use it all the time to look up episode lists for TV shows. For anything else, though, it's kind of useless as you can't really trust it. unless it's a subject you already know about, but then why are you looking it up?

  4. But who *can* you trust? Almost anybody has an agenda, or a positions to forward. Who do you trust to inform you on, say, anti-depressants? Who is not influenced by the big money in play?
    I think the group self-policing of wiki works pretty well, if you understand what it is.

  5. As far as antidepressants and other medical-related stuff, maybe this guy.

    I think the group self-policing of wiki works pretty well, if you understand what it is.

    It doesn't, though, because I've noticed gross errors on subjects I know about. Something like a physics entry, which I wouldn't know about, is something where someone's "agenda" isn't a factor, and you just need the straightforward details. If those are wrong, and how could they sometimes not be when the editing is done not only anonymously but by people who might not have any training in the subject, how would I, a layman, know?

  6. I hear ya. I just haven't come across any obvious errors myself.
