Playboy is not giving up, now it is coming to iPad via a web app.
Apple has a difficult row to hoe trying to keep the iScreens clean: it has recently removed the iPhone version of ChatRoulette, because some people are exposing themselves on the random-chat service. But when we start banning tools for the potential they have, we are on shifty ground. Just go into a normal wood workshop and try to find one tool which can not be used to maim or kill a person.
When you download any of the dozen different web browsers available for the iPad/iPhone, you have to OK a message that it might contain objectionable content. So how come we don't have to do that when buying the device, since Apple's own web browser Safari is already installed?
Apparently, even vaguely suggestive is too much for Apple. That's ridiculous. I'm glad I cancelled the development of the app I had a commissioned for Domai: smiling Domai models, cropped just above the breasts. I cancelled it for other reasons (linking to Domai might get it banned), it had never occurred to me that pictures not even showing breasts could be considered pornographic. Shows what I know after 14 years in the biz!
Nice comic about it: