Friday, October 29, 2010

Dusk and autumn

It was quite dark, actually, barely enough light to hand-hold a decent image even with modern cameras with high sensitivity and "shake reduction", and I knew it would get darker second by second, so I grabbed the nearest camera which had a wide-angle on it (kit zoom, actually). Pentax K-x, 18mm, F:4.0. I have removed the lamp in the foreground and fiddled a little with contrast and such. Original:


  1. How did you remove that lamp?

  2. First with Photoshop CS5's much-promoted "context-aware fill", which actually often not *really* works well. Then I cleaned up after it with the Stamp tool. Copied bits of the car and such to bits where the tool had messed it up.

  3. You removed way too much from the foreground lamp post - now the background one is head-less :)

  4. Yes. The auto-function took off too much of the head, and I decided it was easier to just shave it down rather than build it up, although in retrospect it wouldn't have been so hard to do.

  5. Ok... Thanks ! :)
    I will check what number of Photoshop I have... :)
