Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Would you give your right arm to have this left arm?

This Terminator-worthy prosthetic arm is apparently a real historic one.
Though the Science Museum site claims it's a right arm, so I'm not sure we can trust them.

My dad used to define the right arm as "it's the one where the thumb points to the left".


  1. raul hernandez31 Aug 2010, 21:12:00

    It looks to me like it would have to be a left.

  2. The back of the hand looks like it
    was made from a kitchen thingamajig for flipping pancakes or eggs, but
    without its handle.

  3. Eolake said...
    "Though the Science Museum site claims it's a right arm, so I'm not sure we can trust them."

    Perhaps the picture has been inverted?

    @Ray: a spatula? (this one looks eerily similar, doesn't it?!) :-)

    Imagine how "romantic" to see a couple sitting in the park, after dark; his "arm" draped across her back (covered, of course; it's cold) and those "fingers" EXPOSED on her shoulder! Bwah ha ha ha ha! lol! :-/

  4. @ TCGirl

    You've got it, Darling!

    And I love your sense of humour :)

    Enjoy your day.

  5. Ray said...
    "And I love your sense of humour :)"

    Thanks! And that came from someone who isn't at *all* interested in "scary" flicks! :-D

    "Enjoy your day."

    Thanks, Ray; you do the same! :-)
