Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Turn it on

I e-mailed it to my  Chinese doctor friend.
He e-mailed back: "If light stay on for more than 4 hours, call your erectrician."

[Thanks to Carter]


  1. Wob in Wouston2 Jun 2010, 20:20:00

    Almost fell on the floor laughing!
    Great concept and great image!

    I also have a Chinese friend. Every time I get his number from the phone book, I always wing the wong number.

  2. Around the millennium, there was a professional animated series on a site called icebox. I think it was called Mr. Wong. It was hilarious. Sadly it seems to have gone from this world.

    Update: no, it's on youboob! !
    It's not at all PC. In fact, it's weally, weally wong.

  3. Talk about a turn-on for my secretary! :-)

    My verif, which tried to be subtle by swapping syllables, suggested: "turmas".
    (Aw, honey, can't you lend me a hand here?)

    I wonder what they'll think of to promote diuretics?...
    "Me will puwchase thwee of the top-wanking advewtisement!"
