Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Frictionless Work: How to Clear Your Life of Non-Essential Tasks, article.

Thanks to TTL to point to this important article and subject. In the past 15 years this kind of philosophy has been essential to my life. It works both as a powerbooster, and as tool to make you evaluate importance, something most people hardly ever give real conscious thought to.

And maybe it's even rarer to give thought to this: if I get so successful at this that I finally have a few un-filled hours now and then... then what? If I should have nothing to do, nobody is home to visit, there's nothing on TV... ?
Why does this feel fearful? What is there in "nothing" that we are afraid of?
Can you just sit relaxedly for an hour or two and do nothing? If not, isn't that worth reflection on?


  1. You're right. Not many people seem to have this ability, they are buzzing around all the time.
    Interesting that most animals value a regular nap, like dogs, cats. We could learn from them

  2. 'Can you just sit relaxedly for an hour or two and do nothing?'

    Of course ... all day on occasion too ... it's called 'fishing'!
    Best therapy known to man:-)
