Wednesday, March 17, 2010


It's just awesome that with today's pocketcamera I can take dead-sharp and color-accurate photos hand-held indoors of such a demanding subject as books.


  1. Too busy. I'd lose my icons. Still nice pictures.

  2. Ah yes. Me, I'm so anal retentive that I keep my desktop totally icon free. (It was actually a dream of mine back in the OS 7, 8, and 9 days, before it became possible.)
    Heck, if I knew how, I'd hide the menu bar too.

  3. Windows has a self hiding menu bar, if you put it in the right mode. I would say try right clicking in the menu bar, but don't Macs only have one button on the mouse?

  4. No, that's the old days. And even before the mice came with two buttons, for years before that, if one used a two-button mouse (or control-clicked), one got extra functionalities, like popup menus and such.

  5. Smooth, innit?

    Well, I took a bunch for myself from various books, and then I selected a handful of the best for the blog, and they happened to be mostly Loomis.

  6. Have you ever put any of Loomis' ideas into practice? If so, would that output be, fruit of the Loomis? arf arf arf
