Thursday, January 07, 2010


Some of my readers are looking for better sites to host their photos. One which was mentioned was Does anybody have experience with it? How does it compare to Flicr or Picasa? How's the experience for selling prints/books/calendars?


  1. I love smugmug. See the comment I just posted on Faces and Picasa.

  2. I've been using Smugmug for the past two years. The interface for customizing galleries and setting print prices takes a little figuring out, but once that's all set up, it's a fantastic way to for my clients to see their photos and view the rest of my portfolio.

  3. Fotki is a site similar to Smugmug, with one distinct differenc being that you cannot yet sell high-res downloads. but you can sell prints and other stuff if you like.

    Picasa and Flickr have different uses than these two sites, I think. They're more for sharing/commenting. Seems to me like a lot of pro/semi-pro types use Smugmug.

    I chose Fotki because it's 98% of Smugmug for 33% the price. I like the Smugmug interface a little better.

  4. Here's a site comparing several similar ones...
    Scroll down to the Smugmug section.

  5. Ray's link is interesting, but they forgot Zenfolio, Smugmug's main competitor.

  6. I like Smugmug, here's my account

    I don't use Smugmug professionally but as a simple gallery to share photos with friends. I like the quality of Smugmug prints as well. Some of my galleries are private and used by family and friends for viewing and to share prints.
