Sunday, October 04, 2009

Peach and Denny

I wish it was text instead of this awfully formatted graphic, but it's a cute little story anyway.
update: DF simply googled it, here it is. (Duh, I could have done that, I've even blogged about how to do that. Must have been wee hours.)

Talking about cool stories, this is a good one, about Van Halen and brown M&Ms.


  1. Van Hallen, from the Justice Friends?
    I love these guys!
    P.S.: BONK!

  2. WOW!! "Nine eighteen-wheelers full of gear"!!! That's a HELLOFA LOT of gear!!!!!!! I LIKE that "little" their contract. VERY SMART!! :-) Rock on!!

  3. The Peach&Denny story reminded me of the opening scene in a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie, can't remember which one (thank god...)

  4. ...I wish it was text...

    Just use Google:


  5. "That's a HELLOFA LOT of gear"

    I almost wrote the same thing. That is just insanity.

  6. Man, talk about HEAVY metal!

    "The business end of a 747"... I wonder if that's the part right next to 1st Class? ;-)

    "Who am I to get in the way of a good rumour?"
    Damn right: you can't BUY such great buzz!
    I already have a vision for the name of their themed campaign: "United Colors of Van Halen... but hold the browns!"
    (Aaaand... cue racism accusations!)

  7. "Denny, don't you think you've already had enough caffeine for today?" ;-)

    Would be cool if it were a true story. Then again, it probably is. Who would MAKE UP such a weird incident?
    Except Neil Gaiman or J.K. Rowling, that is...

  8. I think Denny rocks. He doesn't give a fuck what "civilized" society says about it, he just draws his sword and makes the guy pay for his coffee.

  9. You reckon he drinks his coffe on the rocks then?

    [All together now: "MOAN!"] :-)
