Monday, October 12, 2009

Danger veggie

Funny enough, I found this picture of an "alarming vegetable" on The Online Photographer of all places. A site which is nowhere near as frivolous as this site, and almost never features "funny pictures".


  1. I read that blog too. Weird veggie.
    Now, I'm not criticizing, because I know English is your second or third or forth language, but since you often ask questions about English usage I thought I'd point out that for your use of "funny enough", it should actually be "funnily enough". I know it looks weird, and once I wrote it I asked myself even if this is right. So I checked on Websters, and yes, what my ear picked up the weirdly wonderful web confirmed. Funnily enough I almost didn't post this... oh ya.

  2. Thanks.
    That'll take a little getting used to, indeed.
