Monday, June 15, 2009


My lovely friend Bettina has a sweet little daughter. When the girl was about three, one day she was sitting at the dinner table looking out the window at the wide world outside. And she said very thoughtfully: "Mom, wouldn't it be beautiful if everything was pink?"

Taste questions aside, I think that's very precocious. And funny. Gotta love it.


"And imagining the world being different shows ability for abstract thought, instead of just reacting."

Joe said:
All kids talk that way. We forget, so that when it comes to our kids or someone else's, we thinking "How precocious!" when it isn't.
Your example is still funny, though.

 eolake said...

I a-fear you're right, Joe. 

There are many signs the rigid "logical" mind gets a lot more rigid and in the way of imagination as we grow up.


  1. Taste questions aside, I think that's very precocious.

    Really? Why?

  2. Because it's a form of philosophizing.

    And imagining the world being different shows ability for abstract thought, instead of just reacting.

  3. And my kid, when about that age, woke up one night crying, totally distraught. When asked what was wrong he said "I wish everything was red".

  4. LOL.
    Did it ever become clear to you what had upset him and what it had to do with red?

  5. Yes. I believe it was the fact that most things are not red.

    Seriously, red is his favourite colour. He tends to lock into a particular concept and gets quite immovable from it. I'm not sure whether to blame this on his OCD or his AS.

  6. He tends to lock into a particular concept and gets quite immovable from it.

    Sounds like he's preparing for a career in politics, or maybe as a cable news talking head.

  7. And imagining the world being different shows ability for abstract thought, instead of just reacting.

    All kids talk that way. We forget, so that when it comes to our kids or someone else's, we thinking "How precocious!" when it isn't.

    Your example is still funny, though.

  8. I a-fear you're right, Joe.

    There are many signs the rigid "logical" mind gets a lot more rigid and in the way of imagination as we grow up.

  9. There are many signs the rigid "logical" mind gets a lot more rigid and in the way of imagination as we grow up.

    Unfortunately that does seem to be true.
