Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm Not An Animal

I'm Not An Animal, UK TV show, a few years old. Very off-beat, and sometimes very funny.
(Seems not to have been released in the US.)

A couple more clips on youtube here, here, and here.


  1. Crack me up:

    I think I see a little Pascal in the first one! lol! ;-)

    LOVE how they've rigged the phones for the animals! HILARIOUS! Especially the horse! lol! Took me a minute to realize what they had done there! lol!


    "he had a sort of...*glint* in his eye; well they all did, really..." lol!

  2. I think the first one is not actually from the show itself, but it's bril, and catches the character perfectly. (He's a sparrow, by the way, no an owl.)

  3. Doesn't crack me up at all. This animation personifies the stupidity of human beings. No visual value whatsoever.

  4. I agree the visuals are an acquired taste at best.

    And it's also true it personifies human stupidity. Which is what makes it so excellent satire.
