Friday, September 19, 2008

Botany porn

(Tech note: Nikon D200, Micro-Nikkor 60mm F:2.8.)

Maybe I got too inside-jokey with the title there. I think it's usable, because it's enjoyment of pretty botany. But also it was a reference to a post from yesterday called Camera Porn. Closeups of cameras.


  1. BOTANYPORN.COM is still available.

  2. This blog is hard work. There was only one picture there this morning. Home many other updates did I miss?

  3. Yes, I worry about that.
    Sometimes I get a bit obsessive, sorry.

    I wonder if I should put "update 3" and such in the title?

    The Canon 5D post was updated maybe seven times.

  4. I'm a bit disappointed in the title. I thought "porn" was a term used to describe sexual activity. The three colorful pictures look more like Botany VD, or something. Pretty, but not hardly what I consider porn.

    Do I need to update my vocab?

  5. Maybe I got too inside-jokey there. I think it's usable, because it's enjoyment of pretty botany. But also it was a reference to a post from yesterday called Camera Porn. Closeups of cameras.

  6. No you were right. I often use the phrase "veggie porn" to describe beautiful vegetable photographs (aka Weston's peppers or cabbage.)

    It's a common term...consider property porn, cookery porn...all common terms used freely in journalism nowadays.
